Our Sectoral Expertise

  • greening of investments in energy, transport and industry sector
  • investments in the waste sector, which contribute to transition to circular economy
  • greening of existing or new products, processes and infrastructure
  • pollution prevention and remediation

Our Competencies

  • Green business models (notably for recycling and circular economy)
  • GHG reduction potential calculations
  • Market and sector studies


Our Office Hours

Mo - Fr  9:00 - 17:00

Project Identification

  • Advice in the development of project concepts
  • Conducting sectoral market studies incl. relevant norms and standards
  • Advice in the development of a pipeline of projects
  • Provide opinions on project proposals

Proposal Preparation

  • Advice on project structuring
  • Review of business plans, eligibility criteria and project-finanzing structure
  • Advice on environmental impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation
  • Review of project applications before submission for funding

Coaching and Training

  • in project identification
  • in project preparation
  • seminars, workshops and networking events

Our Claim

Competent consulting for your company

Benefit from our more than 20 years of experience in the European R&I landscape

Fast and reliable executed services

Our consulting modules cover the entire funding project life cycle

Our Aproach

We support and advise ambitious project ideas with particularly society relevant and clearly formulated project goals. Based on the state of the art (baseline), we help to identify the most suitable concepts and methods that contribute significantly and effectively to the achievement of goals.

We take into account gender balance in the scientific context as well as the interdisciplinarity of the project partners required for successful project implementation. When it comes to “free access to research data, laboratory reports and other research processes”, we are guided by the principle “as open as possible, as confidential as necessary”.

With dedicated advice for communication measures that are precisely tailored to the respective target group, we respond to the increasing importance of science communication.

We move along well structured and easily comprehensible project templates for plans and descriptions, particularly suitable for depicting complex relationships, dependencies and risks.

We help to identify and present the key competencies that are most important for the respective project, ensure that overlaps are avoided and clarify access to the required research infrastructure at an early stage.

Existing technical property rights, designs and copyrights can restrict the economic use of the project results. An IP strategy tailored to the project is therefore an essential part of our consulting activities.

Herbert Thanner, M.Sc.

The physics of the energy systems fascinated me as a student, already. This enthusiasm guided allways my professional career.


Phone: +43 699 1100 3302


Address: Plabutscherstraße 123d, 8051 Graz, AUSTRIA

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